Snake rocking the dual pistols.
 Speed, Falcon, and Dorito taking a quick breather after showing the other team who's boss.
 On the way home that day and throughout the following week, Sasquatch complained about how scraped up he got from doing
 Panda advances during a 3-hit round late in the day. Piles of his victims' corpses clutter the table behind...
 Sasquatch and Falcon take aim during a careful advance amidst a CTF round.
 On the far left, Angel of Death and Falcon cover the left flank, while Churro, center analyzes the sitatuion. Sasquatch,
at right, covers the right.
 Angel of Death, Churro, and Speed rest for a moment while Falcon pokes out slightly from behind a tree at right.
 Pilz, a Narfer (host clan) and Snake take the tower to hold the fort.
 A larger shot of the Knights, from left to right: Speed, Sasquatch, ACE, Dorito, Falcon, and Panda. Ms. Bags (Narfer)
is in the foreground.
 Apollo (right) reloads next to teammate Anya Seijin and guest.
 Sage stares at his 2k grimacing, as he grumbles "Now WHICH end do I put the DARTS into?!?!
 Panda tries to block darts between rounds with a borrowed toy Count Doku lightsaber. Effects were added later; batteries
not included.