Anyaseijin and longshot of sexiness...

Falcon. That was the last round played with that primary at the Cullen Grid before "the sword was broken".

Moroni and his quadded crossbow of doom.

A buncha people.

Sputnik (foreground) and Arrow.

A group of players, Apollo going nuts in the middle.

Another cluster of players.

Apollo going "gangsta" on Speed with his "gat". Or I could just say pistol round.

Bum-rusing the cameraperson.

I think Anyaseijin was chasing Apollo here. Which would explain the evil grin. As for the dart in the mouth...all the cool
kids are doing it. It's like an anti-smoking device or something.

Break time.


Bum rushing. Again.

Proof that we can use the force. No, there is NO ONE holding onto that 3k.

Moroni...taking a nap? Or just being slick. I'm liking the stylish little peek over the sunglasses...

A cluster of nerfers walking on a 100% organic dart death trap.

See? Dart = non-addictive stogie. Simple, effective, and satisfying, eh?

...and lastly, the Shards of Narsil.